Dear Student,

Congratulations on choosing a career in engineering, architecture, or information technology.

The Arab American Association of Engineers and Architects (AAAEA) is committed to supporting you throughout your college years and beyond. AAAEA is a professional, non-profit, non-religious, and non-political organization that was established in 1996 in Chicago, IL. Our mission stems from a realization of the demand for an organization that would address the specific needs of the Arab engineering professionals and the Arab community at large. AAAEA has a track record of technical seminars, conferences, and networking events, all of which will help strengthen your professional prospects. In addition, the association has established exam review classes for the Engineer-in-Training and Professional Engineer licenses. AAAEA has a number of other social events throughout the year for the whole family to participate.

As you endeavor for excellence in your profession, you can benefit from the scholarship program offered annually by the Association. The scholarship is awarded to students based on merit and extra-curricular activities. Awardees are recognized during the annual professional meeting which is a grand gathering of members and leaders in the industry. Seventeen years and growing strong, AAAEA now has chapters and sister associations in Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, Michigan, Texas, Louisiana, Florida, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and California. In 2011, we celebrated the formation of the National Association which will give you, as a member, access to a broader professional network.

I would like to wish you success in your profession, and I would highly encourage you to take advantage of the many benefits AAAEA has to offer by becoming a member. Build your leadership skills through volunteering and serving in the different committees within your chapter. I look forward to seeing you as an active member of the association. AAAEA will help shape your professional outlook as you prepare to shape the world.

Anas Alkhatib