Attend the AAAEA-IL Technical Seminar on April 25
Location: Maggiano’s Little Italy At Clark & Grand, 516 N Clark St, Chicago, Illinois 60654
Traditionally, IDOT delivered all its program for construction and maintenance through the Design-Bid-Build (DBB) delivery method. Over the years, IDOT has taken the risk for project delays and cost over runs. Many state DOTs have explored innovation in project delivery to include innovative designs, construction methodologies, financing as well as operations and maintenance. The benefits of such delivery methods are more predictable and well managed projects as well leveraging private sector investments to deliver the project earlier than the pay-as-you-go approach. IDOT is currently contemplating the delivery of some of its projects utilizing the innovative approaches to address congestion, operations efficiencies and updating its assets. In this presentation we will discuss what IDOT is doing in identifying, screening, developing and delivering complex public private partnerships (P3) and Design-Build (DB) projects.
Speaker Biography
Sam Beydoun serves as the Bureau Chief for Innovative Project Delivery
at the Illinois Department of Transportation.
He is responsible for establishing and leading the alternative delivery
program that includes public-private partnership and design-build delivery
methods for delivering transportation infrastructure projects including
highway, airports and waterways.
Prior to Joining the Illinois Department of Transportation Sam Beydoun
served as the Acting Deputy Director in the Virginia’s Office of Public-Private
Partnerships (VAP3) where he had oversight responsibility for
multibillion-dollar program in development including design-build and P3
managed lanes projects.
In addition to transportation, Sam’s professional experience includes
business development and management in financial, information technology and
telecommunication sectors. Sam holds a
Master’s degree in Business Administration (MBA) from James Madison University.
He also completed graduate coursework in Systems Engineering at the University
of Virginia. Sam is a certified Design-Build Professional (DBIA) and Project
Management Professional (PMP).
Sponsorship help support the AAAEA to continue to provide educational and technical seminars. Each company’s sponsorship level will be recognized in the presentation and on attendees’ name tags for their contribution as well as on the AAAEA monthly Newsletter.
Levels of Sponsorship
$200 Silver Level
-Includes 2 seats
$400 Gold Level
-Includes 4 seats (half-table)
$600 Platinum Level
-Includes 8 seats (full-table)
Purchase Tickets Here
AAAEA/ASCE CI Technical Seminar, June 26
You are invited to attend the AAAEA-IL / ASCE Construction Institute Technical Seminar on Tuesday, June 26 at WSP in Chicago featuring networking, dinner, and a presentation by Joe Pecoraro of Skender Construction.
RSVP for the AAAEA/ASCE CI Technical Seminar!
With more than 12 years’ experience in Lean construction, Skender Project Executive Joe Pecoraro will present "Why Lean and How It Applies to Construction" - a comprehensive introduction to Lean methodology and its implementation based on his personal experience utilizing its practices in the construction industry. The learning objectives being presented include:
- What is Lean? The philosophy of eliminating waste.
- What does it mean to operate Lean in construction?
- How is Lean different in the design vs. construction phases of a project?
- What Lean tools are available to you? How and why they work in the jobsite vs. office across all industries.
- How does culture fit into Lean?
Date & Time: Tuesday, June 26, 2018. Social & Dinner from 5:30-6pm and Presentation from 6pm to 7pm.
Location: WSP, 30 N LaSalle St, Suite 4200, Chicago, Illinois
PDH: 1.0 PDH
Cost: General $30, Government $20, Students: $10. Register by Monday June 25th, 2018.
Joe Pecoraro is a project executive at Skender Construction, one of the nation’s 70 largest multifamily building contractors. He has 13 years of multi-unit residential construction experience, including numerous affordable housing and senior living projects. Joe is a recognized leader in Lean construction, working closely with developers to ensure the most efficient, value-optimized project delivery possible.
February 2014 Dinner Seminar
Wednesday, Feb 19, 2014
05:30 PM - 07:00 PM Central
Dinner @5:30
Students: Free
Others: $20.00
Event Overview:
Come join ASCE YMG & AAAEA for our February dinner meeting! Kevin Bischel will be discussing High Speed Rail Project- Chicago to St.Louis project and its many facets as well as its challenges. Kevin is Deputy Program Manager at Parsons Brinkerhoff and has worked on the project the past four years.
The Illinois Department of Transportation's (IDOT) Chicago - St. Louis high speed rail (HSR) program has been under construction between Joliet, Illinois, and the East St. Louis area since late 2010. The corridor represents the nation's most advanced joint high speed (110 mph) passenger/freight corridor. Program benefits include the operation of existing Amtrak trains at speeds of up to 110 mph over much of the corridor, supporting an improvement in travel time by about one hour. The project just wrapped up construction for the 2013 season. It is planned that by the end of 2015, infrastructure improvements will be in place to support speeds of up to 110 mph on a significant portion of the corridor between Joliet and Carlinville, IL. Infrastructure improvements to support the remaining 110 mph service, and other upgrades, are expected to be in place by the end of 2017. Daily revenue operation of higher speed Amtrak passenger service between Dwight and Pontiac began on November 22, 2012 and continues today.
For Registration Information: Click Here
Event Contact
Hussam Alkhatib (
Parsons Brinckerhoff 30 N. LaSalle Suite 4200 Chicago, IL 60602When:
Wednesday, Feb 19, 2014 05:30 PM - 07:00 PM Central Dinner @5:30Cost:
Students: Free Others: $20.00AAAEA-IL January 2013 Dinner Seminar
Topic: “Underwater Bridge Inspection” by Nick Triandafilou P.E., S.E. and Brian Dilworth P.E.
On Wednesday January, 9, 2013, AAAEA-IL hosted a technical dinner seminar at the University of Illinois Chicago Camous. The focus of the seminar was a presentaion on “Underwater Bridge Inspecion” by Nick Triandafilou P.E., S.E., and Brian Dilworth P.E., both experienced bridge and marine structure inspectors and designers, from Collins Engineers, Inc. The presentaion emphasized how bridge inspecion is critical to maintaining our naion's infrastructure and ensuring public safety on our highway systems. The recent collapse of the I35
Bridge in Minneapolis has brought an increased focus to the importance of bridge inspecion. Inspecing the
underwater porions of bridge piers is an integral part of the bridge inspecion program as many structural and
stability related deficiencies can be hidden below water. In fact, the most common cause of bridge failures in
the United States is scour, in which the channel bottom material below a bridge pier washes away and results
in the pier becoming unstable. This presentaion discussed the methods currently being used to inspect and
monitor the underwater porions of our naion's bridges.
For informaion regarding future technical presentaions and conferences offering professional development
credit, or for individuals or companies interested in presening at one of the AAAEA events,
please contact Kevin Mesyef at
Best Regards,
Kevin Mesyef
Educaion Committee Chair