What is my AAAEA Email Address: | |
Our email address is in the format of "yourName@aaaea.org" where yourName is the member's first Initial followed by last name. No hyphens, spaces, or underscores are used. If a conflict occurs, the member's middle initial will be used or a number will be appended to make the name unique. The initial password assigned to a newly created email address is "password". The first action you must take is to change your password |
How to Change your Email Password? | |
This is done by using WebMail. Provided by our web host company, 1and1, WebMail may be used to access your e-mail account from any internet connected computer. It provides the full functionality of an e-mail program - it allows you to read and write emails, use and update your address book, and (most important) change your password and signature. Web mail is accessed by visiting webmail.1and1.com. | |
Using your AAAEA email account: | |
Typically, you use an email client (such as MS Outlook, Outlook Express, Eudora, etc...) to check and receive email. You will need to add your aaaea email account to your email client before you can use it. If you are using MS Outlook, this is done by selecting Tools/Email Accounts. In Outlook Express, it is done by selecting Tools/Accounts. For more information on setting up the different email clients, visit our web host's FAQ section on this topic. In addition to your local e-mail program (Outlook or Outlook Express), you can access your e-mail account from any Internet connected computer by using WebMail. Eventhough WebMail is less flexible than the popular e-mail programs, it allows you access your email from any Internet-connected computer. |
Setting up the Email Client: | |||
There are two ways to
configure your email account: POP3 and IMAP. If you use an IMAP protocol,
your email messages remain stored on the server while in a POP3 protocol
your email messages are saved to your hard disk. We recommend that
you use a POP3, if possible, to minimize the storage demand of our
account. The information needed to set up your account for each protocol is given below: |
Server Type: | POP3 | ||
Incoming Server: | pop.1and1.com | ||
Outgoing Server: | smtp.1and1.com | ||
Account name/Username: | yourName@aaaea.org | ||
Server Type: | IMAP | ||
Incoming Server: | imap.1and1.com | ||
Outgoing Server: | smtp.1and1.com | ||
Account name/Username: | yourName@aaaea.org | ||
AAAEA Email Account Limitations: | |
Forwarding Email to Another Email Account: | |
It is possible to have you AAAEA email forwarded to another existing email account. The advantage here is that you do not have to check your AAAEA email account separately. If you wish to do so, send me an email with your request and include the forwarding email address. |
Email Accounts: | |||
Click here to see a list of assigned email accounts. | |||