Topic:  “Underwater Bridge Inspection” by Nick Triandafilou P.E., S.E. and Brian Dilworth P.E.

On Wednesday January, 9, 2013, AAAEA-IL hosted a technical dinner seminar at the University of Illinois Chicago Camous. The focus of the seminar was a presentaion on “Underwater Bridge Inspecion” by Nick Triandafilou P.E., S.E., and Brian Dilworth P.E., both experienced bridge and marine structure inspectors and designers, from Collins Engineers, Inc. The presentaion emphasized how bridge inspecion is critical to maintaining our naion’s infrastructure and ensuring public safety on our highway systems. The recent collapse of the I35
Bridge in Minneapolis has brought an increased focus to the importance of bridge inspecion. Inspecing the
underwater porions of bridge piers is an integral part of the bridge inspecion program as many structural and
stability related deficiencies can be hidden below water. In fact, the most common cause of bridge failures in
the United States is scour, in which the channel bottom material below a bridge pier washes away and results
in the pier becoming unstable. This presentaion discussed the methods currently being used to inspect and
monitor the underwater porions of our naion’s bridges.
For informaion regarding future technical presentaions and conferences offering professional development
credit, or for individuals or companies interested in presening at one of the AAAEA events,
please contact Kevin Mesyef at

Best Regards,
Kevin Mesyef
Educaion Committee Chair